At the 12/17/19 New Rochelle planning meeting the Capelli Organization proposed a 28 story building at 247 North Avenue, previously the location of the Planned Parenthood. This is a through lot from North Avenue to Lecount Place. They will demolish the existing buildings and create a 244 unit curtain wall building with blue glass exterior. The floor plates will shift in and out in five story sections to create a noticeable skyline feature. There will be checkerboard patterning on the parking levels, which will be 2 above ground and 2 below ground and have 211 spaces. The unit mix is as follows: 28 studios, 144 1-bed, 72 2-bed. The 4th floor is the amenity floor with an indoor pool, yoga studio, game room, kitchen and resident lounge. The parking entrances will be from both Lecount Place (to upper level) and North Avenue (to lower level). The building is set on the site so that the views to the water from 251 North Avenue will not be compromised.
- 247 North Avenue Rises Above Street Level In New Rochelle, New York (2/18/2024)
- Developer Closes On $94M Loan For 247 North Avenue In New Rochelle, New York (8/24/2023)
- Luxury housing to replace Planned Parenthood building in New Rochelle (2/27/2020)
- Planned Parenthood Sells Property, Will Remain in New Rochelle (2/26/2020)
- Cappelli-related entity proposes 28-story residential building in New Rochelle (1/2/2020)
Zone: D0-1
Project Videos HERE
- NR Planning Meeting video 12/17/19 (starting at 3:17)
- Brownfield Cleanup Program Application
- Material Board
- North Section
- Frontage elevation
- Elevation 3
- Elevation 2
- North Elevation
- Typical Residential Floor 2
- Typical Residential Floor
- Garage floor G2
- Garage floor B1
- Ground floor
- Rendering
- Massing diagram
- Forms
- Enlarged frontage elevation
- NR Planning Meeting video 9/30/20 (starting at 3:00)
- NR Planning Meeting video 02/25/20 (starting at 30.47)
Project Information
Progress Gallery
Project Data*
Studios: 28
1BR: 144
2BR: 72
3BR: 0
Affordable: 25
Total: 244
Parking: 211
Stories: 28
Retail Space: 3032 sqft
Students: 12
School: Trinity
Permanent FT: 10
Permanent PT: 0
Planning Board Approval: 2/25/2020
IDA Approval: 7/29/2020
Constr. Start: 3/1/2021
Length: 36
Completion: 3/1/2024
Tax Incentives
Full Property Tax: $23,304,620
PILOT: $14,704,313
Owner Savings: $8,600,307
PILOT (yrs): 20
Mortgage Tax Exemption: $748662
Fair Share Mitigation: $
Data Last Updated: 10/10/2020
*Data listed here is subject to change. FOIL/FOIA requests are pending to obtain any missing data. Some of these numbers are estimated. Data comes from city documents.
** GLOSSARY TERMS: "As Is" taxes are the taxes of the property before development. Full Property Taxes are the taxes of the property after development. PILOT means Payment in Lieu of Taxes, which is less than full property taxes. Owner savings is the property tax abatement in dollars and as a percent of Full Property Taxes. PILOT length is the number of years that the PILOT is in effect. Fair Share Mitigation (FSM) fees are monies collected by the City from the developer to cover future infrastructure needs. The school system gets approximately 2/3 of the FSM fees.
*** Residents are calculated as follows: Studios = 1, 1BR = 1.5, 2BR = 3, 3BR = 4.5 (NDC formula) Students are calculated as follows: Studios (*0), 1BR (*0.014), 2BR (*0.141), 3BR (*0.213) (NDC formula)
*Data updating and collection is done by volunteers and may contain the occasional error or miscalculation.
** New Rochelle Parking Code including Minimum number of Spaces